
It's time once again for AnandTech's Memory and Motherboard price guide.

The basic goal is to provide you with the best deals, and follow price trends of the listed products. We have selected a leading team of on-line vendors, and will be tracking their progress on weekly basis. Please note that all vendors were selected according to their best price offered. Some vendors may ask that you place a phone-order to make sure that you receive our listed price; others simply ask that you mention where you found the price (in this case AnandTech). We have tried to eliminate vendors with low feedback rating, but we do encourage you to do some research before purchasing any product from this list.

If you encounter any problems with a vendor on our list, please email us, and we will take appropriate action. Remember that we will only list vendors with positive customer feedback. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to let us know.

Also be sure to check out AnandTech's Hot Deals Forum for even more great memory, motherboard, CPU, video card and other technology buys.


AnandTech does not endorse any vendor listed in the following price guide. AnandTech does not receive any advertising fees and/or sponsorship from the listed vendors. All views expressed by listed vendors do not reflect the opinions of AnandTech.


AnandTech, nor any of the vendors mentioned guarantee that the prices listed in this guide are accurate.

This Week

Welcome to AnandTech's Weekly Memory and Motherboard Price Guide.

In the memory arena most modules have taken a price hike with some modules jumping anywhere from $8 to $24 in price. In our last guide we mentioned that the length of the memory price drops was uncertain but it seems from this week's prices that price drops will become fewer in the coming months. However, some modules continue their plunge including PC2100 DDR memory as well as RDRAM memory. Almost all PC133 and PC100 modules have taken significant price hikes yet memory prices have not become obnoxiously expensive overall.

Prices with Intel-based and AMD-based motherboards have taken separate paths this week as prices for most Intel-based boards have either stabilized or dropped slightly whereas most AMD-based boards have all fallen. Other than that we've added several more high-end motherboards to our list including AOpen's AMD 760 showing, the MK7A, and the VIA Pro266-based EPoX EP-3VHA.

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