We just recently took a look at Kryotech’s SuperG, a supercooled Athlon 750 running at a groundbreaking 1000MHz.  While the barebones setup, consisting of the CPU, case, motherboard and cooling system can be purchased directly from Kryotech for around $2500, there are some users that would rather go out and buy a complete system instead of working with putting their system together from scratch.

While the majority of AnandTech readers do tinker around with their systems on a daily basis, if you’re handling the purchasing of a computer for your workplace, you’re not going to want to devote your time to custom building a system and it’s more likely that your boss would prefer a pre-built system to a do-it-yourself box.  For this community, the Kryotech systems were often out of the question as finding an OEM that would sell a Kryotech based system was much more difficult than simply going to Dell or Gateway and asking them to configure a system to fit your needs.

Luckily, for Kryotech’s sake, there are manufacturers out there that have taken notice of their technology and have taken the risks associated with selling such a non-standard system.  Among those rare few is SYS, Inc., a company that has been around for the past 12 years, although they have just recently begun to deal with Kryotech as an addition to their product line.

Made specifically for the Kryotech products, SYS produced a Cold Fusion line of systems that range from powerful desktops to professional workstations.  While you will see Kryotech’s Cool K6-III 550 among the list of Cold Fusion products, the rest of the Cold Fusion line is dedicated to Kryotech’s super cooled systems featuring AMD’s Athlon.  SYS takes the bare bones configuration from Kryotech and custom configures the system by allowing you to choose what video card, memory configuration, hard drive setup, etc… even down to what keyboard and mouse you want to use with your new system. 


The configuration is done entirely online – however, at the time of publication SYS had not yet implemented their online ordering form, but they do indicate that it is coming soon.  SYS took the liberty of custom building us a system they like to call the Cold-Fusion 1000, which, as the name implies, is based on Kryotech’s SuperG featuring an AMD Athlon thermally accelerated to 1000MHz. 

Since we have already gone through the performance advantages/tradeoffs the SuperG offers over competing air-cooled solutions in our SuperG Review as well as in our Pro/ENGINEER Performance of High End x86 CPUs review, we will be concentrating on whether or not SYS’ Cold-Fusion 1000 puts Kryotech’s SuperG to good use. 

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