Update at the top: Here's our article on today's launch!


11:52AM EDT - One of the most anticipated launches of 2020 is now here. AMD's CEO, Dr. Lisa Su, is set to announce and reveal the new Ryzen 5000 series processors using AMD's new Zen 3 microarchitecture. Aside from confirming the product is coming this year, there are very few concrete facts to go on: we are expecting more performance as well as a competitive product.

11:52AM EDT - Eight minutes to go


11:54AM EDT - There is a live stream for those that want to watch at the same time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuiO6rqYV4o

11:54AM EDT - Why not put the stream and our live blog side by side for interesting commentary!

11:56AM EDT - All text and photos in this Live Blog is being done by Ian

11:59AM EDT - 'Begin shortly'

12:01PM EDT - A one minute countdown

12:01PM EDT - This is technically pre-recorded. One of the benefits of a presentation without a live audience, can be prepared and optimized in advance

12:02PM EDT - Here we go

12:02PM EDT - Starting with a short Intro about Zen

12:04PM EDT - Committment to customers, deliver to roadmap

12:04PM EDT - Making the right bets 3-5 years in advance

12:04PM EDT - Lisa to the stage

12:05PM EDT - It's been a challenging year due to COVID

12:05PM EDT - But High perf computing has been really important

12:05PM EDT - work, school, gaming, entertainment

12:05PM EDT - PC is the platform of choice in 2020

12:05PM EDT - An incredible year for gamers

12:05PM EDT - powering both consoles

12:05PM EDT - High performance Ryzen and Radeon

12:06PM EDT - Deep engineering partnerships

12:06PM EDT - Gaming at the heart of AMD - PC or console or cloud or mobile

12:06PM EDT - AMD loves gaming

12:06PM EDT - Gaming beings with AMD

12:06PM EDT - Next Gen PC Gaming platform

12:06PM EDT - One goal - to build the best PC desktop processor possible

12:06PM EDT - With each gen of Ryzen, we're going towards that goal

12:06PM EDT - more perf, best features, more capabilites to everyone

12:07PM EDT - Do more than you ever thought on desktop or notebook

12:07PM EDT - Ryzen in desktops, TR in high-end desktops, and Ryzen 4000 in notebooks

12:07PM EDT - PC users love Ryzen

12:07PM EDT - Desktop progress has been amazing with Ryzen

12:07PM EDT - Beating the expectations

12:08PM EDT - First 7nm desktop processor

12:08PM EDT - Highest in MT perf

12:08PM EDT - Best in power efficiency

12:08PM EDT - That was 3rd gen

12:08PM EDT - Work with Ryzen is never done

12:08PM EDT - What can we do more? What can we do better?

12:08PM EDT - Zen 3

12:08PM EDT - Bringing the best to the PC market

12:08PM EDT - Increases lead in overall perf, and efficiency

12:08PM EDT - Best single threaded performance in the market

12:08PM EDT - Big changes in the core

12:09PM EDT - Papermaster with the details

12:09PM EDT - Shipping Q4 2020

12:09PM EDT - A course over 5 years for outright leadership

12:09PM EDT - Multiple processor teams in parallel

12:09PM EDT - COnsistent delivery to market of performance

12:09PM EDT - Beast in performance

12:10PM EDT - Absolute leadership

12:10PM EDT - 7nm efficiency enabled leadership performance

12:10PM EDT - chiplet allowed ease of manufacturing and scalability

12:10PM EDT - now Zen 3

12:10PM EDT - Improving every aspect of the CPU in the same 7nm node

12:10PM EDT - higher frequency, higher IPC

12:10PM EDT - Lower latency on top

12:11PM EDT - New processor layout

12:11PM EDT - New 8 core complex

12:11PM EDT - Better core-to-core communication

12:11PM EDT - Every core can address 32 MB of L3 cache

12:11PM EDT - Latency sensitive workloads like gaming get a boost

12:11PM EDT - 19% IPC boost

12:11PM EDT - On top of frequency increases

12:11PM EDT - Most significant Zen performance increase

12:12PM EDT - Floating point is wider

12:12PM EDT - Increased loads and store vs Zen2

12:12PM EDT - Wider exectuion capabilites

12:12PM EDT - More branch prediction bandwidth

12:12PM EDT - Clear desktop performance leader

12:12PM EDT - Broad set of improvements

12:12PM EDT - Total front to back redesign

12:13PM EDT - end-to-end improvements

12:13PM EDT - dispatch, decode, all improved

12:13PM EDT - Direct access to 32MB of L3 helps with gaming

12:13PM EDT - Games have a dominant thread that uses the cache

12:14PM EDT - Every core can now communicate to the cache on the chiplet without going off die

12:14PM EDT - Says sync for Gaming, AI

12:14PM EDT - 2.4x perf/watt over first gen Ryzen

12:14PM EDT - 24% perf/watt uplift over Zen2

12:14PM EDT - 2.8x more efficient than 10900K

12:14PM EDT - Not let up going forward

12:15PM EDT - 5nm Zen4 is in track

12:15PM EDT - Next gen Zen processors will keep AMD in the forefront and deliver the best experience for customers

12:15PM EDT - Lisa comes back

12:15PM EDT - Focused on gamers and enthusiasts

12:15PM EDT - Largest increase gen-on-gen since first gen Zen

12:15PM EDT - Ryzen 5000 series

12:16PM EDT - 5900X

12:16PM EDT - 12c/24t, 4.8G boost

12:16PM EDT - 64MB L3 cache, 105W

12:16PM EDT - Big upgrade over Ryzen 3000

12:16PM EDT - Gaming performance is up

12:16PM EDT - 5900X vs 3900XT

12:17PM EDT - Shadow of Tomb Raider

12:17PM EDT - 1080p High preset

12:17PM EDT - +28% increase from 3900XT to 5900X

12:17PM EDT - Better perf over 10900K

12:17PM EDT - 29% is a big upgrade gen-on-gen

12:17PM EDT - Combination of performance metrics

12:18PM EDT - Claiming ~25% overall

12:18PM EDT - from 5% to 50% gain vs 3900XT

12:18PM EDT - sorry, 26%

12:18PM EDT - monumental performance jump for an in-socket upgrade

12:18PM EDT - Relies on strong single core perf

12:18PM EDT - Cinebench R20 1T

12:19PM EDT - One of 25 workloads used to calculate +19% IPC

12:19PM EDT - First desktop to get above 600

12:19PM EDT - 631 on AMD

12:19PM EDT - 544 on 10900K at 5.3 GHz

12:19PM EDT - (595 on Tiger Lake at 4.8 GHz)

12:20PM EDT - Comapred against 10900K, AMD wins in most benchmarks (all but the one AMD is showing)

12:20PM EDT - Wait for 3rd party benchmarks

12:20PM EDT - AMD believes gamers will want 5900X for the best gaming performance you can get

12:21PM EDT - Best Gaming Processor in the world

12:21PM EDT - Now the stack

12:21PM EDT - 5800X - 8c/16t, 3.8G/4.7G, 105W

12:21PM EDT - 5600X, 6c/12t, 3.7G/ 4.6G, 65W

12:21PM EDT - Pricing

12:21PM EDT - +$50 more on MSRP over previous gen

12:22PM EDT - All available November 5th


12:22PM EDT - Ultimate processor

12:22PM EDT - 16-core Ryzen 9 5950X

12:22PM EDT - Up to 4.9G boost, 105W, 64 MB L3

12:22PM EDT - Breaks CB20 1T with 640

12:22PM EDT - Best in class in every dimension

12:23PM EDT - Still at 105W

12:23PM EDT - +29% gaming perf against 3950X

12:23PM EDT - Against 10900K, the 5950X wins

12:24PM EDT - $799, also Nov 5th

12:24PM EDT - Now Radeon

12:24PM EDT - Next gen Radeon GPU in a few weeks

12:24PM EDT - first preview

12:25PM EDT - Big Navi

12:25PM EDT - AMD's most powerful GPU

12:25PM EDT - Here's a performance preview?!

12:25PM EDT - Borderlands 3

12:25PM EDT - 4K with 5950X + RX6000

12:25PM EDT - 60+ fps at

12:26PM EDT - A few weeks until launch

12:26PM EDT - fine tuning

12:26PM EDT - Oct 28th for the full story for RX6000

12:26PM EDT - Nov 5 for Ryzen 5000 on shelves worldwide

12:26PM EDT - That's a wrap

12:27PM EDT - Here's our article

12:27PM EDT - https://www.anandtech.com/show/16148/amd-ryzen-5000-and-zen-3-on-nov-5th-19-ipc-claims-best-gaming-cpu

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  • :nudge> - Thursday, October 8, 2020 - link

    So Z3N it hurts
  • Hifihedgehog - Thursday, October 8, 2020 - link

    It's also Lisa Su's anniversary as CEO. You know they are going for a power play if they associate her directly and it's on her leadership anniversary.
  • Hifihedgehog - Thursday, October 8, 2020 - link

    Over 100,000 watching the YouTube stream alone. Wow.
  • Shii - Thursday, October 8, 2020 - link

    Saw it peak up at 135k, pretty crazy
  • Hifihedgehog - Thursday, October 8, 2020 - link

    Especially considering this is a CPU company and this is generally a technical heavy subject that does not attract the masses. Historic.
  • nathanddrews - Thursday, October 8, 2020 - link

    AMD commands the attention of professionals, HPC, PCMR, and console peasants. That's basically everyone in the world except mobile phone gamers.
  • Hifihedgehog - Thursday, October 8, 2020 - link

    While I was expecting Zen 3 to flow past expectation, I am underwhelmed by the RX 6000 series. 61 fps in Borderlands 3 maxed out means it is slower: 5% slower than the RTX 3080 (65 fps) and 20% slower than the RTX 3090 (76 fps). So close and yet so far. The point is beating the competition, not coming close.
  • Hifihedgehog - Thursday, October 8, 2020 - link

    Here is where I got my numbers for Borderlands 3 for the RTX 3000 series at 4K:

  • kavanoz - Thursday, October 8, 2020 - link

    You forgot to put your correction here :)
  • silverblue - Thursday, October 8, 2020 - link

    Looks like the 3080 and Big Navi are tied in this title (though PCWorld report 66 fps for the 3080 here). In Gears of War 5, Big Navi is 8 fps behind, though TechSpot (who use a Ryzen 9 3950X system) has a 1 fps win for Big Navi. I can't find much on Modern Warfare except for GPU Check where the 3080 is clearly ahead with 123 fps vs 88 fps, which is 4 fps behind the 2080 Ti. So, it's looking rather like a 3070 rival at the moment and some games really need some optimisation, but it's early days. Note that AMD didn't tip their hand as regards ray-tracing.

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