Matrox G400 Revisited

by Mike Andrawes on September 22, 1999 11:59 PM EST

Pentium III 600 OpenGL Performance

With a Pentium III 600 backing it up, the G400 MAX is pretty much unstoppable, only getting edged out at 640x480 by the Voodoo3 3000. A resolution as low as 640x480 is usually CPU and graphics driver limited, so the showing here is a huge testament to Matrox's new TurboGL. Notice that all the cards that support 32-bit rendering only take a minimal performance hit when 32-bit rendering is enabled. The G400 MAX with 32-bit enabled even beats the TNT2 Ultra at 16-bit.


At 800x600, the G400 MAX and TNT2 surpass the Voodoo3 3000. The G400 MAX even provides 32-bit rendering that is just about 1 fps below the 16-bit of the Voodoo3 3000. The regular G400, TNT2, and Voodoo3 2000 are all pretty much on par.

Upping the resolution to1024x768 produces results relatively identical to results at 800x600.

Matrox Tweak Utility & Test Setup Pentium III 600 Direct3D Performance
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