Burn Tests CDR Media

We use the following configuration to test our burners:

Albatron 865PE Pro II
Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz 800FSB
2 x 512 DDR OCZ PC3200 EL
Maxtor 80GB 7200RPM 8MB PATA
Windows XP SP1

You can check out our previous benchmarks on the Sony DRU-700A preview from last week. We are using firmware version 1.00 for our benchmarks. We first burn the media with the Plextor PX-712A and then use the Q-Probe tools to test PI/PO averages in the same drive. We then read the disc in the LiteOn 851 and record the PI/PO error averages reported from Kprobe2. Good burns have low PI/PO averages and are considered the most readable.

Click to enlarge.

Much to our delight, the Plextor 712A had no trouble with the Ritek CDR media. The drive is quite capable of the 48X advertised burn.

Write Quality

We used Kprobe 2.1.0 with a Lite-On LWD-851S drive for our tests. Nero CD/DVD Speed is used to read back the disc in the LiteOn and Plextor drives.

Here are our tests with the LiteOn drive.

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Below, we can see Nero DVD speed has no problem reading the disc using the PX-712A.

Click to enlarge.


PlexTools Burn Tests DVD+R Media
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